Saturday, September 24, 2011

Convention and Non breeding does

I am so excited about attending my first ARBA Convention this year. Mike got to go 3 years ago and he really enjoyed it. Said it was very overwhelming. It will be so fun to see all the different breeds in such a large place like that and curious to see how what we show will place. That will definitely be an eye opener either way it goes. I am clueless to the quality of what we'll take. Barn blindness has been running rampant over here in Georgia. With the exception of that fine rabbit I've been staring at the last few days, HT's Zulu. Oh yea, his mommy sees him as a pet, but I'm totally seeing something else. What a fine animal he is. He and Garrett. Too excited to have them over here. Now if I could just convince the two or three does I've been trying to get bred all week that these guys are all that and a bag of chips, it'd be perfect! Time to throw some apple cider vinegar in the does' water bowls and get them in the mood. Worked wonders for us to do that several years ago..time to try it again!

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